Total product count: 58
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Gouda Medium or Jong Belegen in Dutch. Aged about 3 months it is firm and tasty. Easy to slice or cube.
$10.00 $9.00
Made with pasteurized cows milk, Leyden has a firm composition. The addition of cumin seeds (responsible for its tangy flavor and spicy aroma) distinguish it from other Dutch cheeses.
$11.00 $10.00
These Eclairette Twins are light and crunchy meringue cookies filled with creme and the ends dipped in rich chocolate.
- Product of Holland
- Product of Holland
$2.99 $1.79
Wholewheat - wholemeal version of Bolletje Dutch Rusk (Beschuit) Holland Toast - 13 rusks per package.
MADE with 100% whole wheat grains. Exp Date Aug 1, 2024
MADE with 100% whole wheat grains. Exp Date Aug 1, 2024
De Ruijter
DeRuijter Puur Dark Chocoalte Sprinkles imported from Holland. A traditional Dutch treat enjoyed on your bread or Rusk. Great for decorating cakes & doughnuts.
$4.99 $3.99
De Ruijter
The "fruitiest" sprinkles 100% natural color and flavors. Vruchten Hagel is made a great topping for Dutch Rusk, toast, warm bagels or English muffins. Adds fun to cake decoration and other desserts.
$4.79 $4.29
De Ruijter
DeRuijter Milk Chocoalte Sprinkles imported from Holland. A traditional Dutch treat enjoyed on your bread or Rusk. Use to decorating cakes & doughnuts. They may look like American jimmies, with a much stronger flavor as they are made from pure chocolate.
$4.99 $3.99
Nelis Imports
Dewitt hand painted delft items are beautifully painted by assorted artists in Holland. Beautiful pieces to pass down from generation to generation.
$159.00 $80.00
Nelis Imports
Dewitt hand painted delft items are beautifully painted by assorted artists in Holland. Beautiful pieces to pass down from generation to generation.
$35.95 $18.00
Nelis Imports
Dewitt hand painted delft items are beautifully painted by assorted artists in Holland. Beautiful pieces to pass down from generation to generation.
$159.95 $80.00
Nelis Imports
Dewitt hand painted delft items are beautifully painted by assorted artists in Holland. Beautiful pieces to pass down from generation to generation.
$119.95 $60.00
Nelis Imports
Dewitt hand painted delft items are beautifully painted by assorted artists in Holland. Beautiful pieces to pass down from generation to generation.
$28.95 $14.50
Nelis Imports
Dewitt hand painted delft items are beautifully painted by assorted artists in Holland. Beautiful pieces to pass down from generation to generation.
$28.95 $14.50
Nelis Imports
Dewitt hand painted delft items are beautifully painted by artists in Holland. Beautiful pieces to pass down from generation to generation.
$119.95 $60.00
Nelis Imports
Dewitt hand painted delft items are beautifully painted by assorted artists in Holland. Beautiful pieces to pass down from generation to generation.
$54.95 $27.50
English Style - fairly strong hard peppermint lozenges made by Fortuin who also make the Wilhelmina peppermints
$12.99 $10.99
Douwe Egberts
The finest Arabica beans are selected for this premium Douwe Egberts Blend. By slowly roasting at light temperatures a light to medium roast is developed. Soft and Mild with a refined aroma. Enjoy the silky-soft flavors without any bitterness.
$8.99 $4.99
Douwe Egberts
Douwe Egberts Excellent Aroma coffee is one of the most popular in Europe. Aroma Rood is characterized as aromatic, smooth and rich with perfectly balanced flavor and acidity.
$14.99 $12.99
Douwe Egberts
Last of old packaging - bright gold pack dated Aug 2
2024 only $3.99 reg $8.99
Douwe Egberts Aroma Excellent is comprised of the finest quality premium selected Arabica beans. Medium to dark roasted it offers intense aromas and a bold flavor.
2024 only $3.99 reg $8.99
Douwe Egberts Aroma Excellent is comprised of the finest quality premium selected Arabica beans. Medium to dark roasted it offers intense aromas and a bold flavor.
Douwe Egberts
Smooth & Refined
Douwe Egberts Aroma Excellent is comprised of the finest quality premium selected Arabica beans. Medium to dark roasted it offers intense aromas and a bold flavor.
Douwe Egberts Aroma Excellent is comprised of the finest quality premium selected Arabica beans. Medium to dark roasted it offers intense aromas and a bold flavor.
$8.99 $6.99