Fish, croquetten, and bitterballen are frozen items.  During summer months they can be ordered by phone only.  They are not available on the web site.  They must be shipped next day air only.

Total product count: 5
Dovgan Cod Liver In Oil 4.06oz tin
Cod liver with Omega-3 fatty acids: A fat that can help reduce pain and swelling, and prevent blood from clotting easily
Rugenfisch Smoke Makerel Fillets Tin 6.7 oz
Rugenfisch smoked makeral fillets in a tin.
Rugenfisch Kipper Snacks Smoked Herring Fillet 3.5oz Tin
Rugenfisch Kipper snacks smoked herring fillet.
Rugenfisch Herring Fillet Tomato 7.05 oz Tin
Rugenfisch herring fillets in tomato sauce.
Rugenfisch Smoked Herring Fillet In Oil 6.7 oz Tin
Rugenfisch smoked herring fillets in oil.

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