Hard or soft - sweet or Salty and all different shapes and textures
Total product count: 218
Soft Sweet Smiles, these are delightful soft, chewy, and sweet licorice smiley faces with just the right kick!
Imported from the Netherlands
Imported from the Netherlands
8 oz tub soft and chewy Dutch licorice tubes filled with a lightly sweet, vanilla cream
Salmiak is ammonium chloride instead of the regular Sodium Chloride (Table Salt). Which gives the Dutch licorice it's distinct salty taste.
Hard Candy Licorice ball. Has a burst of saltiness from the coating and then smooth licorice flavor.
8 oz Tub Licorice Rockies are soft and chewy Dutch licorice tubes filled with a creamy salmiak center
Scheepstouw-Hard Salty Licorice
Top Selling Scheepstouw, a classic Dutch hard and salty licorice
Imported from Holland.
Top Selling Scheepstouw, a classic Dutch hard and salty licorice
Imported from Holland.
6.4 oz Tub Hard Bitter Sweet Candy with Salmiak Filling. Imported from Holland Scheepstouw -translated literally ships rope.
Red Band Softbites are a delicious sphere shaped caramel with a cream filling. This variety is licorice and is simply wonderful.
Imported from the Netherlands
Imported from the Netherlands
Salty black and white licorice powder pressed into a pill shaped candy. Get both sweet and salt at the same time.
Finnska Salty Soft Sugar Free Black Licorice - Black licorice candy with a salty punch.
Imported from Finland.
Imported from Finland.
These semi-firm Beehives have a touch of honey to sweeten your day and soothe your throat. Made in Holland
Cute Dutch licorice beehive shapes sweetend with a touch of honey. Imported from Holland.