• Artikaas Youngsters  Creamy Mild Gouda
  • Artikaas Youngsters  Creamy Mild Gouda
  • Artikaas Youngsters  Creamy Mild Gouda
  • Artikaas Youngsters  Creamy Mild Gouda
  • Artikaas Youngsters  Creamy Mild Gouda
Artikaas Youngsters  Creamy Mild GoudaArtikaas Youngsters  Creamy Mild GoudaArtikaas Youngsters  Creamy Mild GoudaArtikaas Youngsters  Creamy Mild GoudaArtikaas Youngsters  Creamy Mild Gouda

Artikaas Youngsters Creamy Mild Gouda

Item Number: 147100
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Named after the town from which it originates, Gouda has been produced since before the 16th century. Simple, flavorful & well loved, it is made from whole milk and is slightly richer than its close relative, Edam. Sold by pound
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