Over 200 options - various sizes and brands.   The tubs are items we receive in 2.2 lb size and not available in other sizes, so we repack in the tubs.

Total product count: 152
Anta Flu Classic lozenges 6.2 oz bag
Anta Flu
Cough drops with menthol licorice taste. Individually wrapped made with natural flavors and no artificial colors.
Broadway on Wheels Licorice 5.29 Oz
Made with all natural ingredients these licorice wheels are both fun and delicious. Approximately 15 wheels in each package. Product of Italy.
Broadway on Wheels Strawberry 5.29 Oz
Broadway Wheels are made in Italy with all natural ingredients and are Non-GMO. Approximately 15 wheels per package.
Candyman Salmiak Balls 3.5 Oz Ind Wrapped
Individually wrapped Salmiak filled hard candy balls.
Candyman Salmiak Knotsen 4.4 oz bag 10 ct
Salty licorice suckers. 10 suckers per bag.
CCI Double Salt Licorice 2.2 Lbs
Hard salty licorice rounds with the classic DZ stamped on them. Imported from Holland
Dutch Hutch  Allsorts English Licorice 1 lb  by Gustafs
Classic English Allsorts licorice mix
Dutch Hutch  MINI English Allsorts 14 oz By Gustafs   Q
English Mini size Allsorts sweet licorice assortment
Dutch Hutch  Salmiak Diamonds (pastilles) 8 oz bag
Meenk Salmiak Diamonds are a small thin diamond shaped licorice. Salty in taste, firm in texture. Useful for a sore throat.
Dutch Hutch Assorted Fresh Fruit Candy 6 oz
Fruit flavored hard candies.
Dutch Hutch Brussels Man Licorice 8 oz By Matthijs Q
Brussels Manneke (Little Man from Brussels) is a soft and sweet licorice with refreshing anise flavor.
Dutch Hutch Colored Licorice Sticks by Kindly's 8oz Bag
Candy coated licorice filled sticks
Dutch Hutch Double Salt Licorice Triangle 8 oz By Meenk Q
Soft Double Salt Triangles - Dubbel Zout Driehoekjes are an absolutely delicious soft double salt triangle shaped Dutch licorice. These are a nice variation on the traditional DZ round licorice because they are soft.
Dutch Hutch Double Salt Rounds 8 oz By Venco Q
Double salt licorice rounds with the DZ imprinted in the licorice.
Dutch Hutch DUTCH Licorice Allsorts 16oz
Dutch version of Allsorts licorice. Slightly less sugary than the English version. All natural colors and flavors. Imported from the Netherlands
Dutch Hutch Dutchies (Zaanse Drop) Licorice 8 oz Gustafs Q
8 oz Tub Large soft sweet licorice chunks with sugar coating.
Dutch Hutch Flat Salmiak Diamonds (pastilles) 1 lb By Meenk
Meenk Salmiak Diamonds are a small thin diamond shaped Dutch licorice. Salty in taste, firm in texture. Useful for a sore throat.
Dutch Hutch Giechels Drop Smile Faces 8 oz By Matthijs Q
Soft Sweet Smiles, these are delightful soft, chewy, and sweet licorice smiley faces with just the right kick!
Imported from the Netherlands
Dutch Hutch Good & Plenty 8oz Tub
Licorice stick with a candy coating, absolutely delicious.
Dutch Hutch Griotten Licorice cubes  8 oz By Venco Q
8 oz tub Soft sugar coated cubes with a sweet and mild licorice flavor.
Dutch Hutch Large Salty Diamonds 8 oz By Matthijs Q
Dutch Hutch Licorice Jujubes 8oz Bag
Jujubes Licorice packaged in an 8oz tub.
Dutch Hutch Rockies Colored Creme Center 8 oz By Gustafs   Q
8 oz tub soft and chewy Dutch licorice tubes filled with a lightly sweet, vanilla cream
Dutch Hutch Salmiak Licorice  Bars 8 oz By Matthijs   Q
Salmiak is ammonium chloride instead of the regular Sodium Chloride (Table Salt). Which gives the Dutch licorice it's distinct salty taste.

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