Honey Cakes - "Ontbijkoek" Translated Breakfast cake. They come plain, with ginger or lots of ginger, fruit, raisins, candy pearls on top! Not just for breakfast but great with your coffee or tea.
Total product count: 9
Peijnenburg is one the finest Honey Cakes (ontbijkoek) made in Holland. Nothing better with your morning coffee than a slice of Ontbijtkoek. These cakes also freeze well.
Honey cake with ginger. Groninger Gember Koek
Made by Koekbakkerij Nanninga imported from Holland
Made by Koekbakkerij Nanninga imported from Holland
Honey cake with pearl candy baked in the cake and on top
Made by Koekbakkerij Nanninga imported from Holland
Made by Koekbakkerij Nanninga imported from Holland
Gewone Ontbijkoek - Plain honey cake
Made by Koekbakkerij Nanninga imported from Holland
Made by Koekbakkerij Nanninga imported from Holland
Honey cake with real bits of fruit. Made by Koekbakkerij Nanninga imported from Holland