Total product count: 13
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12 almond butter bars made with real butter and almond paste. Resealable container so easy to refreeze and indulge as you desire.
$8.99 $7.99
This is a unisex, short sleeve t-shirt. It is 100% cotton. Due to supply issues, this t-shirt may be heathered navy or solid navy. We will ship what we have on hand at the time your order is placed.
This is a long sleeve, unisex t-shirt in a heathered navy color. It is a 50% cotton, 50% polyester blend.
This is a long sleeve, unisex t-shirt in a heathered navy color. It is a 50% cotton, 50% polyester blend.
Steenstra's Almond Currant Bread traditional "krentebrood" with almond paste folded into the dough. July 17 ,2023This replaces the Peters Almond Currant bread as the Baker who used to make it for us is now retired.